Georgia Maternal
of Georgia’s mothers.
Public Health
The Georgia Maternal Health ECHO collaborative aims to enhance knowledge, interprofessional collaboration, and dissemination of resources to directly address Georgia’s maternal mortality and severe maternal morbidity rate.
We will use the ECHO collaborative learning model to help implement Georgia Maternal Mortality Review Committee (MMRC) recommendations for provider education.
“ECHO” stands for Extension of Community Health Outcomes.
The University of New Mexico, where the ECHO model originated, uses the model to especially focus on rural providers to help move current clinical knowledge and community resources out of academic centers/conferences to providers who may not have the time to make it to a more formal event.
More information about the ECHO model can be found here.
Each Maternal Health ECHO session is composed of a brief content expert presentation followed by community discussion of resources and guidelines available to guide care.
The collaborative will launch September (2021) with the following sessions from 12-1pm on the 3rd Wednesday of each month:
– September 14th (Tuesday): Perinatal Mental Health
– October 13th (Wednesday): Hypertensive Complications of Pregnancy
– November 10th (Wednesday): Cardiac Complications of the Perinatal Period
Our 2022 sessions will be built around the AIM Obstetric bundle framework and each session will be geared towards facilitating discussion of equity in healthcare.
– Obstetric Hemorrhage
– Obstetric Care for Women with Opioid Use Disorder
– Postpartum Discharge
– Severe Hypertension in Pregnancy
– Cardiac Conditions in Obstetric Care
– Safe Reduction of Primary Cesarean Birth
To register for Maternal Health ECHO sessions please go HERE
Or scan our QR code to be automatically routed to registration